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a Appalachian Mountain Club, NY and NJ Chapter 11,000 members.
The Appalachian Mountain Club promotes the protection, enjoyment and understanding of the mountains, forest, rivers and trails of the Appalachian region.

5 West 63rd St. New York, NY 10023, Second Tuesday of the month.
Activities: Cross-country skiing and recreational alpine skiing; hiking and canoeing.
Mail: AMC 5 West 63rd St. New York, NY 10023.
Contact: lauren Zondag (686) 292-5255, lzodag@outdoors.org.


Double Doctor Run Ski Club 138 members.
Bi-monthly meetings at members' homes.
Annual ski trips to Vermont and western US; summer barbecue. Joins with other ski clubs for skiing trips whenever beneficial for all attending.
P.O. Box #362, Mineola, New York 11501-0362
Gary Traube (516) 457-3164,


c Long Island Association of Ski Clubs

Association of Long Island ski clubs: Cresthaven, Double Diamond, Garden City and Suffolk Skidaddlers.
Various locales on Long Island.
Activities: Day and weekend inter-club ski trips by bus or car pool; inter-club "just-for-fun" races with awards ceremonies
and parties; annual inter-club golf competition.

PO Box 303, Lake Grove NY 11755.
Contact: Jeffrey Meyer (631) 471-2129, Jeffski@optonline.net.


Tenth Mountain Division Association 200 local members, 35000 national members.

Meet: Various locales.
Activities: Ski trips, cocktail parties and holiday party; reunions in USA and abroad.
John Weaver (631) 271-6618.

Danbury Ski Club 350 members. 
1st Thursday of the month, at various locations in the Danbury, CT area. Recent meetings have been at the Danbury Elks Lodge and Hatter's Park Hall. Check our website or facebook page for the latest details.
Activities:  Since 1955, the DSC has been the ski club of the Danbury CT region. We have members from CT, NY, NJ, MA, VT, NH, RI, as well as CO, MI, ID, & VA!  We offer social events, activities, and trips year round. We promote snow sports to people of all ages. Danbury Ski Club participates in many outdoor sports and organizes group trips. Our annual European ski trips are always sold out with anywhere from 50 to 70 DSC members attending. Everyone is welcome to join our trips. In 2024 we are going to Soldeu, Andorra and Grindelwald, Switzerland. In 2023 we went to Alta Badia, Italy and Zermatt, Switzerland. In addition to skiing and boarding, our organized trips include biking, hiking, & kayaking. We have frequent activities, picnics, and social events. Prospective members are always welcome at any club activity. Come join us! 
Contact:  Info@DanburySki.com
Newsletter Signup: http://eepurl.com/g7XhVr
P. O. Box 3473, Danbury, CT 06813-3473
Web: http://DanburySki.com
Trips: http://DanburySki.com/Trips
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/DanburySkiClubOfficial/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danburyskiclub/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiR3v2bDqd1Dlqksi_yvlAg
LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/DanburySkiClub



Pinnacle Ski & Sport Club 150 members.

First and third Wednesday's per month at various locales in CT.
Activities:  Pinnacle Ski & Sport Club arranges one or two weeklong trips a year to either Europe, Canada or Western US, Also runs weekend trips to Vermont. Holds an annual Holiday & Apres ski party. During the summer holds monthly social events in place of meetings.
Contact: Drew Berescik, Club President, e: drewster333@aol.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/Pinnacleski/
Web: http://www.pinnacleski.org/
Mail: Pinnacle Ski Club, P.O. Box 947, Darien, CT 06820


b Schuss Le Monde 125+ members.

Meet second Thursday at 7:30 pm via Zoom.
Activities: Schuss Le Mode is a club that is focused on trips. Ski and Snowboard, Sailing, Paddling, Rafting, Hicking and Biking, We want to go all year round!
Contact: Pamela Golde (914)806-5290, schusslemonde@gmail.com 
Mail: Schuss Le Monde, 45 Great Hill Rd, Ridgefield, CT 06877


Ski Bears of Connecticut 692 members.

First & Third Tuesday every month at various locations in Fairfield County, CT..
Activities: A year round ski, snowboard and social club. We organize several weekend and week long trips every year.
Contact: Paul Jeffery (203) 934-6199, info@skibears.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SkiBearsofCT
Mail: Ski Bears of CT, PO Box 1653, Norwalk CT 06852-1653


Swedish Ski Club 20 members.

Once per month at various locales in CT.
Activities: Downhill and X-country skiing; Alpine and Nordic races at Stratton Mt, summer and winter activities at the lodge; glogg holiday party.
Sleeps 35, Winhall Hollow Rd., Bondville, VT. Near Stratton. Bromley and Magic.
Contact: Stephanie Morrison, Club President, e: Support@swedishskiclub.org or
Christian Balotescu, Alpine Chair, e: chris@techmeasurement.com



US Chefs Ski Club/Chef of All Nations 45 members.

Monday and Tuesday at Base Lodge Hunter Mountain Ski Area.
Activities: Skiing Hunter Mountain, Zip Linning, Summer, Tennis Tounament, Golf Outing, Europe Ski Trips.

Club is opend to all Chefs and people in the Hospitality Industry.
Contact: Robert Orlando, 203-733-6331, E-mail: chefskier56@gmail.com.



Winterset Ski Club 238 members.
Winterset Ski Club is a volunteer and member driven club organized to promote both downhill skiing, snowboarding and cross country skiing. Our goal is to make learning and participating in these winter activities affordable for our members.
4th Tuesday of the month - 6.30pm - 8.00 pm, Newtown Hook & Ladder, 12 Church Hill Road, Newtown, CT 06470
Activities: Annual Ski Trips to Western US / Canada or Europe. Our 2025 Western US trip will be to Beaver Creek in early March. We are also running a Sunday - Friday drive yourself trip to Sunday River in early February and possibly a similar trip to Sugarloaf in late March. We hold our annual fundraiser in Nov / Dec where we typically have lift tickets, trips, and other mostly ski related items to raffle or auction off. We also host multiple social events each year, primarily during the off season.
Contact: Brenda Murray: 860-490-0870 - E-mail: Wintersetskiclub@hotmail.com
Mail: 691 Main Street N, Woodbury, CT 06798



Metroland Ski Club 125 members.

 June & December, The Hill, Schraalenburgh Road, Closter, NJ
Activities: The Metroland Ski Club is a family friendly club with members from all over the tri state area. Our motto is "Ski More for Less" and that’s what you'll do as a member.
We specialize in discount lift ticket opportunities.
Come take some turns with us. Your wallet will thank you.

Web: MetrolandSkiClub.com
Contact: E-mail: MetrolandSkiClub@gmail.com,
President: Brian McNamara



Ski Club of New Jersey 135 members.

October through April, 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 8:00pm
at Victor's Maywood Inn, 124 W. Pleasant Ave., Maywood, NJ 07607
Activities:  Club owned lodge located 15 minutes from Pico, 25 minutes from Killington, 45 minutes from Okemo, 60 minutes from Stratton and Bromley, 1:15 minutes from Sugarbush. Lodge operates year round; 12 bedrooms sleeps 50 people, available to members & guests by reservation. Families & children welcome. Chef-prepared breakfast and dinner on special weekends and special event weeks. Alpine & Cross-Country Skiiing, Snowboarding, Snowshoeing, Hiking, Kayaking, Swimming, golf, baking contests, photo contests, ski trips to Western, US, Canada & Europe. Monthly “work weeks” at the lodge from May to November, Dinners & other social events at our regular meeting place in New Jersey.
Mountain Top Rd. Chittenden, Vermont.
Mail: Elaine Hirisch, President, SCNJ 2, Eucalyphis Road, Montvale, NJ 07645.
Elaine Hirisch, 201-664-8038,
E-mail: ehirisch@Verizon.net.



Cairo-Durham Ski Club 35 members.
The Cairo-Durham Ski Club’s mission is to work with Windham Mountain to provide special discounts to the students and community of Cairo-Durham in the great norther catskill. We are currently accepting ne w members to ski and snowboard at Windham Mountain.
Mail: 1301 Route 145, Cairo, NY 12413.

Drew McCabe 914-364-2554, dmccabe@cairodurham.org
Web: www.sites.google.com/prod/cairodurham.org/cd/sc

King of Prussia Ski Club 519 members.
The King of Prussia Ski Club (KOPSC) is a year-around sport/social club
providing a variety of activities for adult members (age 21 or older.) During the ski season we normally run four to five Western trips and two to three bus trips to New England. We are members of the Eastern Pennsylvania Ski Council and in turn the National Ski Council Federation. Our charitable Snow Angels Program support local charities throughout the year. Club news is posted to our website monthly on our New Flurries Page,
Meet: the third Tuesday of the month, September through April, doors open at 7:00 PM.
Jeri Lovatt @ jerilov@comcast.net , Lydia Hill at LHill99@comcast.net
Web: www.KOPSC.com


Fort Solonga Ski Club 50 members.

Okemo Mt Lodge in Ludlow VT.
Russell Whitman, (631) 499-4364, whitmanrussell@hotmail.com